I don't have a lot of new Ryan stories, mainly because I hardly see him lately. He leaves for work and gets home from work when I'm in bed (it's 10:40pm and he's still not home) so I'm sure his friends at work have better "Ryanisms" than I do right now. But waiting for him to get home, I started thinking about a very random-ryan conversation we had last week. THIS is the kind of stuff that goes on in his head:
Ryan enters the bathroom after I finished... um... using it.
Ryan: Why does girl pee smell so bad?
Me: Excuse me?
Ryan: Girl pee. It always smells way worse than boy pee.
Me: ALL pee just smells like pee. Do you think your pee smells good or something? And, for that matter, how many girls' pee have you smelled in your life? You don't even have any sisters. (starting to get a little defensive)
Ryan: I just remember being a little kid and every time I went into the bathroom after a girl...
Me: Like who?
Ryan: I don't know. Like my mom. But every time I went to the bathroom after a girl just pee'd, it always smelled really strong.
Me: You are so weird.
So apparently, Bobbi & I have stinky pee and the boy's bathroom smells like roses.
Kevin always says how my pee stinks too... I don't get it. His smells too, what's the big deal? I'm loving the Ryanisms...
Ohh yea, you look really good in your picture. I want Ruth to cut my hair and make me look hot too!
Ohhhhhhhh ryan.......
I am so excited about your blog! I read this one to Ben and he said he agrees with Ryan... Boys don't know so many things
haha!!! that is so funny!
Heather you are so sweet. Remember how fat I got with BOTH my kids? I got to 210 lbs. with Hannah! At least I didn't break 200 pounds with Gavin I made it to 198 though. Look how good Ruth looks! You will be there soon, just give yourself time. Get out on those daily walks and the weight just melts off. I promise... walking and drink LOTS of water. It takes a water molecule to break a fat molecule!
heather! thank you for joining us! i am so happy! your gold shoes are hot, i can't wait to bring em to you! and i need to hold wendy soon! she's getting so huge!!!
Hey I found your blog on Katie's page. I'm adding you to my list of peeps. Hope you're okay with that. :)
I LOVE that you are going to grace us with the comments he makes. It's true comedy. One day you'll be able to assemble them all into a book and it'll be a best seller.
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