Sunday, November 25, 2012


If you can, you should come to this maxi skirt/colored skinny jeans party! These skirts are awesome and would make great Christmas gifts. I bought a couple  maxi skirts and a pair of colored skinny jeans at the last one I went to & I can't wait to get some more! They're so cute & comfy & cheap (I made my own with some teenage girls from church and it was more expensive to make it myself and not nearly as cute). Seriously, come!!

(note: I'm wearing one in the post below at Disneyland with Donald Duck. I swear it feels like you're wearing sweats.)

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Aww bummed I couldn't come. Now that I'm not pregnant and losing all my baby weight I'm so into the cute skinny jeans! Maxi skirts are a problem when you're only 5 feet tall, but I still think they are adorable and I love wearing anything that feels like sweats. :)
PS-I LOVE that you have been taking your kids to D-land every week. They are so adorable and really truly do not know how lucky they are. Someday they will move to another place and realize how great they had it in CA.