*gotta love my little helper there

At one month:
- 12lbs 5oz (I seriously thought the baby scale was broken)
- his cry sounds like a lawn mower or little lamb. we noticed this in the hospital the day he was born. when he gets hungry ryan tells me, "You better hurry up, the lawnmower is about to start."
- likes to eat just about EVERY HOUR and has the chubby cheeks to prove it, so much for sleeping at night
- affectionately nicknamed "chubba"
- favorite place to be: on mommy's right shoulder (I love holding him there too. I love looking over to see how he wraps his chubby arm, with his hand in a chubby little fist, around my arm to hold onto me)
*this little silly face makes me giggle
love love love these photos heather! he is so amazing :)
You are pretty much the cutest mama I know. Your kids definitely take after you! :) I can't believe how big your little guy is already. So adorable. And, as always, beautiful photos.
Oh I love this photo with the colors and everything. I love chubba! He is so darling and I love the part of him wrapping his arm around yours. I seriously can't wait to meet him.
OH man, I'm dying over how cute he is!! And I love the yarn spelling month- cool idea.
so cute! chubba is definitely the best nickname. yay for 1 month!
oh yeah and i love the yarn too! so clever!
That was me who deleted the comment...I had a miss-spelled word.
I love these pictures! He looks so small. I can't wait to see each month.
When you post his 2 month pictures...every one will see how his nickname Chubba fits him!
Love those chubby cheeks!!
He is SO CUTE. I wish I had a chubby baby! Not fair! You must not be getting much sleep! Hope you're still able to get by though! In another post you said Harvey grunts? Blake totaaaally does that too. Google Grunting Baby Syndrome! :)
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