This year I had big plans for Wendy's 1st halloween. Wendy, Ryan, and I were going to be a family of ballerina's (yes, Ryan too). It all fell apart when I lost my tutu and Ryan ended up having to work all night. Wendy was pretty darn cute though. I was really proud of myself for making her costume, and made myself a tutu at the last minute.
The festivities included:
1. Trunk-or-treat at the church. Wendy's little buddy Kate was the cutest strawberry I've ever seen!
2. Surprise trick-or-treat to both Grandparent's houses. As you can see they are in love with her and it made my night to make their night just by stopping by.


*Ryan finally showed up, YAY!
3. Then we finished out the night partying at the Georgianna's. We went trick-or-treating around the Georgianna's neighborhood and I had no shame using my toothless 6 month old baby to score some candy. (Does that put me on the same level as the 14 year old boys with no costume and deep voices that come to the door expecting candy?- I don't even care.) To be honest, when we got to the house that was handing out regular sized candy bars I couldn't help myself.
She is really damn cute.
And I think I am hanging out with your husband tomorrow. Should be fun.
i'm so sad we missed you guys on halloween! you both looked so adorable! i was a ballerina too. i would have been in your ballerina family for sure!
I love how there is no shame in writing that you blatentley use your infant as a way to get free candy. Wendy is SOOOOOOOOOO cute!
Hannah LOVES baby Wendy's costume. She said she look so beautiful like a princess.
I love the tutu.
No shame in trick or treating with your toothless six month old. I'm sure everyone loved to see a cute baby. You were just giving her all Halloween has to offer!
i love the picture of wendy with your dad. they both look so happy!
where is ryan dressed as a ballerina?!?
What a beautiful little ballerina. That is so fun that you got to surprise all the grandparents. I bet they just loved it. Sorry that Ryan had to work late. I hate it when that happens. Blah. Good thing the night was still a success!
oh my gosh!! How cute is Wendy in her little ballerina costume?!?! Hey...don't feel bad about trick-or-treating...we did the same thing! We just told everyone that we were going to crush up the candy and put it in his bottle! haha! Love the pictures!
Okay, Wendy is like the epitome of the word adorable. So cute! Every now and then I get jealous of people who have little girl babies because you can dress them up in tutus and whatnot. I promised Kris I wouldn't dress Max in a tutu, so I guess I have to wait for a girl baby. Anyways, Wendy is adorable.
I LOVE the picture of Wendy with her Grandpa Lamb...Can I please have a copy!
You both look so cute!
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