Ryan decided to go back to school. Today was his first day. I'm so proud of him because I know he's making a sacrifice to provide a better future for our family. I'm so excited. I'm nervous too. We will have to make some changes, some sacrifices, but it will be worth it. Is it weird that the thought of him going to school makes me even more attracted to him? Because it does.
*photo by Jenn King
*photo by Jenn King
Go Ryan Go!! It is the best investment you can make...getting an education
Good luck! It is going to be a hard road but if you stick together it will make your marriage so much stronger. Way to go for supporting him in doing it. Trust me, its not an easy decision, but you will be happy in the long run!
that's so great! does he know what he wants to major in? good luck ryan!
oh, and also:
"back to school, back to school, i got my lunch pack packed, my shoes tied tight, i hope i don't get in a fight..."
good for you Ryan, study all the time so you don't get behind. I know you can do it! I say, Go Ryan Go!
Love Tata
Yea for Ryan! Him and Dane can be homework buddies at family vacations =)
Like everyone else said, it will definitely be worth it!! A lot of sacrifices, but worth it in the long run! Hopefully you won't end up doing his homework for him! :) Good luck Ryan!
Way to go Ryan!!!! have fun, study hard and never give up!
yay ryan!
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