Thursday, June 25, 2009

50 years of Frank & Ramona

*June 29, 1959

On Wednesday, June 25, 2009 my dad's family got together to celebrate my 
grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary.I cannot put into words how much I love these two people. They are two 
of the most kind and honest people I know and I'm very proud to be a product of them.

If I had to use 2 words to describe my Grandpa Lamb, I would say 
that he's a sweetheart and a jokester. One childhood memory I have of him is that he used to put his yoplait yogurt 
in the freezer and I loved to sneak some (it's kinda hard to sneak a treat that you have to chip away at with a metal 

My Grandma Lamb is the embodiment of the the words loving and genuine. As a teenager, 
whenever I was in a situation where I had to make a choice, I would see her face and think, "How would my 
Grandma Lamb feel about me doing this?" She is the type of woman I would love to aspire to be like one day. As a 
child, I remember getting into her 1950's prom dresses and trying them on (of course they fit me when I was like 
10- apparently people were tiny back then).

So, my talented brother NATHAN put this slide show together. It had amazing music, including a version of "You 
Are My Sunshine," by Elizabeth Mitchellbut I guess youtube won't let those songs be used. So, the music stops 
halfway through. It's a real bummer because Nathan made the music go so well with the timing and the pictures. 
Oh well. You get the idea.

I love you both! Happy Anniversary!


Beth said...

YOU beat me with this blog...I was going to pretty much post the same pictures and video.

Frank & Ramona are the most amazing people. Such a good example to their family and friends. We are so blessed to have them in our lives.

It is a compliment to you that everyone says you remind them of your grandma Ramona.

You need to fix it though, I can only read about half of your words.

Melany said...

heather, are you on mars?? i miss your blog posts! :)