Friday, February 17, 2012

The not so quiet life of Mrs. Whispers

The other night, after eating a candy bar with a gold foil wrapper I started singing "I've Got a Golden Ticket." My husband proceeded to sing the Harry Connick Jr. jazzed up version of the song. THEN we had this conversation:
Me: Do you only know the words to that song because of Harry Connick Jr.? Have you ever seen the original "Willy Wonka"?
Ryan: Of course I have. Who hasn't?
Me: Well, when I first married you, you hadn't even seen "Star Wars."
Ryan: (Tilts his head forward & looks at me through the top of his glasses) Is "Star Wars" a musical?
I laughed for a good 5 minutes after that one. Wow. WHO did I marry? I blame my in-laws.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Beginnings in Primary

*instagram pic of Wendy's 1st day in primary

Today, Wendy had her 1st primary assignment: the opening prayer. So like the typical parents of the first born, Ryan and I went in and sat in the back of the room to witness the momentous occasion. I had asked her earlier in the day if she wanted either Ryan or I to help her. She told me she didn't, but I wasn't so sure she'd feel that way standing in front of everyone.

I was such a proud parent watching her beaming face as she sat at the front of the room with her arms folded, facing her peers. When it was show time, she jumped up, declined an offer for whispered help from a member of the primary presidency (Stephanie Neilson) and proceeded to fold her arms and squeeze her eyes shut tight. I kept my eyes open and took in her concentration as she prayed, "Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for this day. Thank you for please bless the Gospel. Thank you for Jesus Christ. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen." She had told me earlier in the day that she was going to say the words "Gosple," and "Jesus Christ" in her prayer (that's her bringing out the
big guns because she always gets a good reaction when she uses those words in her prayers at home). It was so touching and adorable, after adding my own, "Amen," I let out a laugh/sob. I've never done that before. I love her so much. I love the personality and testimony she's developing. I want to remember her this way forever.